Last week, we learned SAMR. It can show the progression of teacher’s educational technology might take as they go through the process of teaching and learning with the aid of technology.

This week we learned a new model called “TPACK”. TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and is essentially a model designed to show the kind of knowledge needed by teachers for proficient and effective teaching in a technology enhanced teaching environment.  TPACK is very much so geared towards the idea that it takes more that content knowledge to make a good teacher.  One must know how to apply that content knowledge along with good teaching strategies in order to effectively teach any given material.  The TPACK model also leans heavily towards the incorporation of technology into the classroom in order to enhance the learning experience.  


 both of these models are geared towards creating a better more effective learning environment with the aid of technology.  They both offer a sort of guideline for accomplishing a task and essentially outline what is deemed important for properly teaching any subject matter.  


TPACK stresses the importance of a well rounded understanding of pedagogy, technology, and content.  Whereas, to my understanding, SAMR focusses mostly on the incorporation of technology into the classroom and less on content knowledge vs. pedagogy.